The Location Lighting Series Free Download

The Location Lighting Series Free Download


Lighting expert Felix Kunze has created a special video series that focuses on incorporating artificial light into your work anywhere. Take the studio outside by using artificial light on location. This comprehensive course delivers 10 lessons that will open your eyes to the endless opportunities location lighting creates. You’re not constrained to the studio, now your studio is truly anywhere. Overcast days, hard sun, mixing in ambient light, these are all yours to shoot in.

Learn the fundamental knowledge behind understanding artificial light, execute beautiful lighting scenarios outdoors and on location and elevate your photography exponentially. Each course zeroes in on one specific topic and scenario. Felix takes you through how to set-up the lighting, your camera settings, shooting, modifying, and will leave you with all the tools you’ll need to master magnificent light on location.

The lessons include understanding sync speed when mixing with ambient light, how to choose a modifier, achieving Felix’s signature outdoor lighting setup, dealing with flat light on overcast days, shooting in hard sunlight, tricky backlight situations, matching color temperature, mimicking natural light on location, lighting groups, creating creative layered effects, shaping light with ’the tunnel’, and more.


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