Tropical Fruit Series: FIGS [course 4]. Paint Easy Food Postcards in Watercolor Like a Pro

Tropical Fruit Series: FIGS [course 4]. Paint Easy Food Postcards in Watercolor Like a Pro

 Tropical Fruit Series: FIGS [course 4]. Paint Easy Food Postcards in Watercolor Like a Pro

If you love painting food art – you are in the perfect place!

Welcome to Tropical Fruit Series: Figs!

This is the fourth course in my exotic food art series, so join us!


– How to draw a fig in general – the specifics of its shapes and forms.

– Main materials to paint your figs postcard.

– Limited palette you can use to paint juicy figs.

– Practicing wet on dry and wet on wet techniques while creating a realistic fruit painting..

– Use layering technique to achieve depth and volume,

– Your will integrate cast shadow under the fig.

– And more!


I prepared 10 courses that are interconnected: during the first 9 courses, we will discover techniques and secrets of painting various fruits step by step.

I will release each course one after another so you are not overwhelmed with the amount of content.

Following my course series, you will paint 9 single fruits: watermelon, papaya, dragon fruit, passion fruit, star fruit, figs, guava, mango, durian.