Understanding Frame Rates in 2D Animation (Rough Animator)

Understanding Frame Rates in 2D Animation (Rough Animator)

Understanding Frame Rates in 2D Animation (Rough Animator)


Have you ever heard an animator say they animated a shot on the twos? Or maybe you have been told to animate your scene on threes? What are these people talking about? This class is going to help you understand this concept within animation.

This class will teach you how to pick the correct frame rate for your animated project. We will also talk about the differences between 24 frames per second and 30 frames per second, and which one you should choose. We will see a demonstration of dots orbiting at different frame rates. This will help us understand the concept of how using more drawings creates cleaner animation. Understanding this concept will help you decide if you should animate a specific shot on the ones, twos, threes or even fours.

I am recommending this class for Intermediate Level students as the concepts may be a little hard to understand for first time animators. But, even if you are new to animation, you should consider watching this course now. I think the concepts will eventually make more sense after you get more comfortable with animation.

Size: 350.1 MB Free Download
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