Understanding illustration licensing

Understanding illustration licensing

 Understanding illustration licensing
In this class, we will cover the basics of illustration licensing. I’ll share with you how to present yourself professionally and share some invaluable resources.

We will cover. . .

the two types of illustration licensing opportunities

    • licensing works that are already created
    • creating commissioned work for the client

The first thing to ask when you’re licensing preexisting work

    • what will they be using the work for? (we’ll get into this more later in the class)
    • the geographic region they would like to use it in
    • the time period they are looking for

Talk money last

    • negotiate price
    • late fees
    • how they want the work delivered
    • credit line
    • # copies of the finished product for your portfolio

The first thing to ask when a client wants to commission a new work

    • what are they looking for? Remember a custom commission is a collaboration.
    • When do they need it
    • how many comps (sketches) would they like
    • how many revisions
    • plus, everything we’ve already discussed

Again, talk money last

    • payment schedule: all upfront, upon delivery, or spread out among the stages of the project
    • rush fee
    • kill fee
    • ownership of original work

Ways a client might want to use your work.

        • a mixtureAdvertising
            • print
            • web
        • a part of the plot movies and television
            • in the background
        • a mixturecorporations and institutions
            • print
            • web
        • a mixtureEditorial
            • print
            • web
        • picture book Book publication
            • cover art
            • interior
    • packaging
    • greeting cards and retail

Somethings to avoid

    • work-for-hire unless you are actually an employee
    • selling the universal copyright unless it for big bucks

getting work

    • Do good work, get it out there, they will find you. . . sometimes
  • Getting an agent