Visual Effects in Adobe After Effects – Imperfection Paintouts for Film and TV
Visual Effects in Adobe After Effects – Imperfection Paintouts for Film and TV
Advanced Paintouts in VFX happen all the time right in front of you. The magic is that they are so simple you’d never think to look for them. It’s easy to spot an explosion or eyes shooting lasers, but can you tell when a poster on a building on the far right of the screen has been changed to something else to fit the directors vision or for continuity? You’ll start thinking about it after this tutorial.
We are going to cover a simple paintout that paves the way for more vfx to be added and is always the first step to a larger shot. It’s not as exciting as making a spaceship fly by, but there’s is just as much value in the skill.
As a final project, we are going to paint out the cracks on a block of concrete, given to us by our “fictional director”.
First we will start by importing our footage, creating a composition, and creating a solid track of our concrete surface in Boris Mocha, which comes with Adobe After Effects CC.
Second, we will create a “clean plate” of our concrete by using the cloner brush, to remove the cracks, staying inside of Adobe After Effects.