Watercolor Lettering: Serifs

Watercolor Lettering: Serifs

 Watercolor Lettering: Serifs
Get comfortable creating that “wow” factor with watercolor handlettering. Get personal, quirky, and only slightly technical as we start with your humdrum handwriting and push it to create serif typefaces. Once you’ve gotten the hang of those “little legs,” take out your paints to follow the watercolor steps to gorgeous letters.

Amarilys has enhanced her portfolio with her watercolor lettering so much that clients repeatedly request it–with or without additional illustrations. Understand her process and challenge yourself to take on a fluid medium with creative letter forms.  What to expect: Dive into serif fonts Understand what gives letters personality and what gives them balance Learn a little lettering lingo Step by step exerices How to apply watercolor painting principles to letter forms What makes watercolor letters pop Watch several demos Feedback on your project post This class is the first in a series of Watercolor Lettering classes by Amarilys. Create your take on serifs and then get ready to explore more!

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