Webflow for beginners Design your portfolio site Free Download

Webflow for beginners Design your portfolio site Free Download

Webflow for beginners: Design your portfolio site 



We are living in a world where no-code tools are taking over and we can build powerful website designs that get it seen.

 Gone are the days where WordPress was the only tool to make a website. Now we have so many visual design and development tools to build an amazing website for your clients. In this class, I show you how to use Webflow to create your own portfolio website and also for your clients. I’ve used Webflow for 3 years now and know the power it provides to the designer.

You’ll learn:

Building your own Portfolio Website

Basics of Webflow

Understanding box model and styling

UI design principles

Using Typography, Layout and simple interactions

Responsive design

Adobe XD to Webflow

How to setup domain and publish site

Website design tips

Inspiration and tools

Useful templates

Making a simple design system

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