Wingfox Character Illustration The Millennium War – Deity of Destruction with David Kuo Free Download

Wingfox Character Illustration The Millennium War – Deity of Destruction with David Kuo Free Download

The tutorial is an excellent overview of how to approach an illustration from start to end. It will take you from designing the character with silhouette all the way to polishing and fine-tuning of the finished illustration.

Aside from the overview process of my approach to character design and illustration, the tutorial covers as much information about material, lighting, and rendering as possible, as it takes you through different stages of the illustration.

Highlights 1

I will take you from designing the character with silhouette all the way to polishing and fine-tuning of the finished illustration.

Highlights 2

The tutorial touches on many of the obstacles that I ran into myself. If you are having trouble with artist blocks, creative approaches, and understanding values, and colors, this tutorial will be helpful to you.

Highlights 3

Different from many tutorials demonstrating the actions the artists take and the tools they use to achieve certain things, I try to share my thought process and the reasoning behind every action I take as much as possible, so you will understand why I approach certain areas with specific methods.

WingfoxCharacterIllustrationTheMillenniumWarDeityofDestruction2022.part1.rar – 2.0 GB
WingfoxCharacterIllustrationTheMillenniumWarDeityofDestruction2022.part2.rar – 2.0 GB
WingfoxCharacterIllustrationTheMillenniumWarDeityofDestruction2022.part3.rar – 2.0 GB
WingfoxCharacterIllustrationTheMillenniumWarDeityofDestruction2022.part4.rar – 2.0 GB
WingfoxCharacterIllustrationTheMillenniumWarDeityofDestruction2022.part5.rar – 2.0 GB
WingfoxCharacterIllustrationTheMillenniumWarDeityofDestruction2022.part6.rar – 1.9 GB

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