Your Beautiful Story: embracing offbeat artistry + everyday moments
Your Beautiful Story: embracing offbeat artistry + everyday moments
I began this journey much like many other moms, by picking up that camera and taking pictures of my babies when they were little. It didn’t take me long to discover that even though I was drawn to their smiles and their little eyes connecting with my camera, I was even more consumed by their mannerisms, details, and daily interactions with everything they came into contact with. I would consider myself a fairly conservative person, but I have found that I have a strong yearning to be different and am able to express myself through unique images of each of my children. When people look at my work I want people to feel the moment and generate a reaction whether it be soulful, sad, blissful, weird, or just a “wow what the hell?!” I want YOU to create those kinds of moments with your babies, families, or whatever it is that you decide to shoot. I am a completely fly by the seat of my pants shooter and through this course you will see why embracing the unplanned can be one of the most powerful tools in your photography.