Zach and Jody – IN-CAMERA: Light & Shooting

Zach and Jody – IN-CAMERA: Light & Shooting

Zach and Jody – IN-CAMERA: Light & Shooting
English | Video: 1080p

IN-CAMERA: Light| The Off-Camera Portrait Lighting System
Get ready to rock your off-camera imagery!
Zach & Jody’s $750 Light workshop has been made available for $249!
IN-CAMERA: Light video workshop will:
Remove the guesswork from off-camera lighting
Enable you to add unique imagery to your body of work
Boost your confidence in any lighting situation
Give a fast and efficient step-by-step process to follow
Reduce your editing time significantly

Zach & Jody’s $750 workshop has been made available for  $249!
Learn how to shoot in any natural-lighting conditions
Get amazing images IN-CAMERA
Reduce your editing time significantly
Have complete confidence any time you walk out on a shoot
Get your life back so you can spend time with family or friends or spend time building your business and shooting more
3 hours of instructional material
19 live shooting demonstrations
Clear, step-by-step explanation of the entire systematic natural-lighting process
You will walk away with better images that will amaze your clients before you even take them out of your camera

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